Sunday Scribbling: Prompt - Luscious
I asked my husband what he thought of when he heard the word luscious. His response was, "full lips, large hips and well rounded breasts". Why does that not surprise me? It's a man's interpretation of a sexy woman, which I am not, now that youth has left me behind.
So, now I am left feeling somewhat disappointed. The right answer might have been, "Hun, when I hear the word luscious, I think of you."
Sulking, I put on my frumpy apron and continue to wash dishes. Okay, so I've put on a few pounds. I'm not a chickadee or a pole dancer, but I can close my eyes and and be that luscious voluptuous woman thirty years ago, when the curves of my body caught every man's eye. Today, I have to correct my posture so my breasts can defy the the pull of gravity that naturally comes with age.
Somewhere in my night chest is a ten year slinky leather corset that I might be able to squeeze myself into. I could a sign across my chest reminding my husband, "Lil Annie" also had a nick name, "Annie Fannie." I could walk in with five inch heels, my face painted with red luscious lipstick and a look that kills.
Then, with a side glance, I look at my husband of thirty years wondering if he periodically tries to remember the man he use to be. Does he see the dashing young man with the sparkle in his eyes whose magnetism attracted every woman he met, including me?
I put the dishes down. Crawling into his lap, I smile, then whisper to him, "let's call it a night and go to bed".
He pecks at me on the cheek, slaps me on the behind, and follows me in the bedroom. "Okay Annie, what did you have in mind?".
As i close the door, I dim the lights and tell him, "Did I ever tell you, about "Annie Fannie?"
Scribbles, Scrabbles and Shapes
Welcome to the Gunter and Ann's World through the eyes of images and words.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Hello...yes, I am resurrected!
While going through my computer archives, I came across my old blog and realized that it had been years since I've written anything other than business emails and computer generated digital communication...all business related of course. I couldn't remember the last time I did anything personal and reflective; therefore, I decide it was time to resurrect my blog. When I created this blog, I was focusing on the happenings in our life, now I think I'll use this place as a spot for ramblings.
I've always had aspirations of being a writer or photographer. A successful blogger usually has a focus. Since I can't make up my mind what I'd like to do, I've decided to explore my options. As a kick-off...I thought maybe I'd just pick a topic once a week from Sunday Scribblings or One Minute Writer then maybe a few from other places...and who knows, maybe my photos just might inspire me to write.
If you fancy yourself and do the same, just link it to your comment page. I would love to see what you come up with.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Latest Picture

Well I dont like taking pictures, but since someone actually caught me smiling, I guess I'll post this. Picture taken during an offiice party and I was the photographer. In this case, someone else decided to let me take a break. As everyone knows, I am back from Virginia and in Oregon. I cant believe I am saying this...but I am actually missing the rolling hills and springtime there.
Im in Roseburg, Oregon that is similar to Virginia, but sooo far from home! I live in this small efficiency apartment and then take the 3 hour drive home just so I can enjoy my friends the 50 inch TV, the dogs and of course Gunter. I think i am destined to always live away from home!
Pups are on the I am waiting for Maxi girl so I have a pup to train hunting...just another month...I hope.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
The littlest one
Two years old and such a cutie

I saw Devin when he was just a little squirt. This boy is a miracle child born a premie baby just over 2 pounds. Now Devin is two years old. He is all boy liking trucks and balls and baseball hats and boy is he rambunctious and full of energy. Shalan came down from Oakland to Klamath in July to visit with Devin and I was able to show him "real" animals...not the animals Devin is accustomed to seeing in his picture books. We also took our drive up to Crater Lake, which was an awesome site.
Summer with Christian

May 29, 2008 and I am home again (wow, I can't believe I almost covered a year in blog postings in 24 hours). I was gone almost a year with only one visit home. Gunter and I, within the five years together, have had several months of separation. First, while he was out of the Bering Sea, then with my move to Virginia, now with my move to Roseburg. Even the few months I was home from May to Sept seems so very short. Three days later Christian is home for the summer.
When Christian comes home for the summer I usually try to let the two have their own space. It's never easy being the step mom especially when Christian's expectation is to try and make up all the months of separation in just a couple of months. Also, I have never been home with an independent child who is encouraged to think like an adult, but who is actually still a child. Makes for some interesting conversations, as well as some friction. Growing up Asian I was taught you do what you are told without any discussions. With Christian he would rather have discussions or at least know "why", or tell you the logic of "why or why not"... I guess that's okay...since it means that Christian is using critical thinking skills. Gunter keeps telling me that Christian is very much like he was growing up. Obviously, they share the same genes!
Christian's favorite activity to do during the summer was swimming. Anne Marie was kind enough to sponsor his week at the YMCA at a swim camp (it was his birthday present). One week of swimming you would think Christian would look like a prune, but instead he ended the week looking like a beet with a horrible sunburn. Most of our summer outings included water, i.e., the public pool, camping at Howard Prairie Resort Lake and fishing. If Christian wasn't swimming, he was gaming on the computer just like his Dad.
Moving back to Oregon

Okay, so now I've brought you almost forward to where I have been in Virginia. My other favorite part of Virginia was the fall and spring. I think if gas wasn't so high I might have done some day trips taking photos of Virginia...but I didnt. I also loved my job. It was a sad day at work when I told them I was leaving....but I couldnt get packed fast enough to get out of Virgina to come back home. I did take a few pictures on the way back going through Pennsylvania, West Virgina, Ohio, Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada....I loved the Rocky Mountains and I would love to do that drive again someday and take my time taking photos.
Always in the garden

Christian, Anne Marie & Nikolaus
One of Anne Mare's favorite thing to do, next to cooking, is working her garden. I I missed out by not taking advantage of nice days in the garden, instead I stayed indoors on the internet missing those days that Anne Marie would go out tending to her vegetable gardens. This is one lady whose energy is endless. She works all day then comes home to tend to the garden, cooks her fabulous meals, keeps house, works on her embroidery, goes to the Genealogy Center, sews, takes classes at the community college then starts all over again! We had tons of fun visiting thrift stores and just sharing times as friends. Don't ever believe the stories that mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws can't get along. The most satisfying time I had living in Virginia was the friendship I had with Anne Marie. Sadly, I neglected to take any pictures of her or Jim..but I found a picture of Anne Marie during a vacation she took while out in Klamath Falls, as well as a picture of a flower in her garden.
The Schanzenbachers

In 2006, I missed the opportunity to see the whole Schanzenbacher clan together: Senior, Junior and Brother. So, in 2007 Christmas, I tried to take pictures of the whole family, but Gunter's son Christian wouldn't keep his eyes forward so I had to settle with what I could get. Unfortunately, Eric James didn't make Christmas that year. The other nice picture was seeing the men working together since its a rarity for me to have Christmas in Virginia. I figure, I may never get another picture of Gunter Senior and Junior working together.
Xmas at Jim and Ann Marie's

Christmas 2007, I stayed with Jim and Anne Marie's. Gunter came down for Christmas and it was great fun with all the around. The hardest thing is getting the kids all in one spot; Alexandra & Eric James lives in Pennsylvania, Christian in Mississippi, his brother and Father in Pennsylvania and Gunter in Oregon. Everyone is spread out all over the U.S. Gunter has decided that leaving Klamath Falls to go back home is never considered a vacation, even though one has to take his/her vacation to go away for Xmas.
My greatest joy is just having all the goodies and the family around. I have to say that the favorite foods are the meals and desserts that Ann Marie makes...cheesecakes, cookies and fruitcake. Fattening but wonderful! She is a wonderful cook and it is always a pleasure to watch her putt around the kitchen. But most of all, its even better to try the food when its all done. Jim of course has to make sure that we all enjoy a little laugh and he was soooo cute wearing his Reindeer outfit! Ann Marie received art supplies and an easel and boy did she have the most extreme reaction opening this surprise present. I really did not take many pictures Christmas morning, but I was able to salvage this picture of Alexandra and Christian.

Well I surely cannot wear my welcome out at Randy and Anne's so I thought I would wear my welecome out at Gunter's moms...Ann Marie's but before I go into that. I forgot to tell you about Sassy. Well Sassy is my first Brittany's pup that we decided to keep. When I went to Virginia she came with me. Yes, I had all these grandiose ideas of getting her show title finished, but instead it was so busy that I just couldn't get involved in the AKC Brittany clubs of even the local dog clubs. Poor Sassy ended up being kenneled while I worked. Well Ann Marie and Jim had a nice large yard with acreage and their own 2 dogs Holly and Max, so it was agreed that Sassy would go out there. In the meantime, I tried to make week and mid week trips out there. Well with the ole gas going up it wasnt economical..but for my own sanity and of course I missed the dog I moved up to Ann Marie and Jim's place.
Transitioning a child

I think the hardest thing about a death of a mother is the devastation a child goes through when his/her mother dies. Some children do well, where others have a difficult time in the transition.
It was not till I decided to write this post that I actully looked at what the internet said about the reaction of children to death.. I think it was brave for Randy to move to Virginia to start a new family. I was grieved that Junior was going to move so far away, but I also knew that it was probably a necessity for Randy to move on with his life.
Junior seemed okay with his new life. I heard stories that he would walk up to strangers and tell them that his mom was matter of fact, and I heard stories that he wished she was there. But, Anne has done a great job of transitioning him to his new family life. I think the hard thing for him was realizing that he was now accountable for himself, and that Angela his step sister would no longer be there to protect him or cater to all his needs. Also, Junior had a new older brother who needed to also learn how to transition having Junior around as a brother, especially since he too had been an only child.
I think I saw a little favoritism with Randy and Junior, as well as Anne and Justin, but after being around for a year, I noticed the family meld together and a real cohesiveness happen with everyone. Poor Anne, she was adjusting to being pregnant and having in-law invade their privacy. Well, bless the fact that Anne's mom was close by...and wow is she an awesome Grammie to the kids. Junior survived his transition and I know he will have memories of his mom Gina, but now Anne truly will take a major role in is life growing Junior up.
I talked to them not to long ago and Junior is adapting well...his reading is improving and he is a great helper with his new brother Tyler. He and Justin play together on their video games. There are those occasional fights...but thats expected between brothers.
Asperger's Syndrome

One thing I learned about was Asperger's Syndrome which was a new medical condition that is coined high functioning Austism. Asperger Syndrome or (Asperger's Disorder) is a neurobiological disorder named for a Viennese physician, Hans Asperger, who in 1944 published a paper which described a pattern of behaviors in several young boys who had normal intelligence and language development, but who also exhibited autistic-like behaviors and marked deficiencies in social and communication skills. In spite of the publication of his paper in the 1940's, it wasn't until 1994 that Asperger Syndrome was added to the DSM IV and only in the past few years has AS been recognized by professionals and parents.
Persons with AS show marked deficiencies in social skills, have difficulties with transitions or changes and prefer sameness. They often have obsessive routines and may be preoccupied with a particular subject of interest. They have a great deal of difficulty reading nonverbal cues (body language) and very often the individual with AS has difficulty determining proper body space. Often overly sensitive to sounds, tastes, smells, and sights, the person with AS may prefer soft clothing, certain foods, and be bothered by sounds or lights no one else seems to hear or see.
There is a general impression that Asperger's syndrome carries with it superior intelligence and a tendency to become very interested in and preoccupied with a particular subject. Often this preoccupation leads to a specific career at which the adult is very successful. At younger ages, one might see the child being a bit more rigid and apprehensive about changes or about adhering to routines.
Now that I gave you a little background on it you might even be interested in learning more about the disorder. One thing tho, is that my new stepson has the disorder, and he is an amazingly smart young boy. He is now in the 5th grade and science is his greatest passion. Sometimes I can see some Asperger's in him with his frustrations with people as well as when he starts something and he needs to feel the accomplishment of finishing it up, as well as his boundaries of space; nonetheless, people that I have talked to who has Asperger's teenagers find that their intelligence is beyond belief and they're ability to comprehend is above normality.
I encourage you to do some research on the subject, its quite fascinating.
Family in Virginia

Randy & Anne
Well since I left and came back I thought it was appropriate to tell you who was out there in Virginia that I went to see, as well as get to spend time with. Gina died suddenly in 2006 and Randy moved to Virginia to get together with an old friend of his that he met prior to his first marriage. Surprise surprise...he married and didnt tell me, at which I found out when I was there. Anyway a child was on the way as well as I was able to meet his new family, Anne..his wife and Justin his new stepson. Great family. Randy is still doing installaton as well as body art. Here is a picture of Randy and Anne, and a picture of some body art that he was working on. Its not complete tho.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Days with my father (click link)
Dad is getting old and frail and at times I find myself wondering why I moved here when he is so far away. I am fortunate that he is of sound mind and my sisters take an opportunity to go visit him..probably more than I do. Anyway, as I was perusing Eyefetch; thats the place that I post my pictures, I found a wonderful photo tribute someone wrote about his father called Days with My Father. It really made me think about how little time I have with my own and that I need to make some time to see him. Click on the title link and it will take you over to the site. I would be surprised if you don't get a little weepy too.
Back again

One of the falls in Roseburg heading towards Coos Bay.
Well its been awhile since Ive posted anything. I'm in Roseburg and Gunter is in Klamath Falls. I left for a year and moved to Virginia with the anticipation that Gunter would follow me. Well it didnt happen so came back to the Pacific Northwest. I really missed all my friends and of course my home. Hardest thing to do was to leave a great job. Anyway 3 months not having a home really put a damper on the finances, so I found this job at the hospital in Roseburg. Its a new industry for me and I sure miss home, but at least i dont have to fly home to see Gunter.
Still love my photographs and taking pics when i have time. I also am playing Guild Wars.
If anyone knows anything about playing MMORPG games it can get consuming. The one thing about playing the game, I get to spend some time online with Gunter. Otherwise, I usually just veg out on the computer. I've just joined Facebook and found there are a few people out there that I actually still know and is on there too. Anyway Ive been able to link to the site so those on facebook can actually read this blog.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
My first winter
Its been a long time since I have posted. I had another crash of my computer and I thought I lost most of my pics, but I had duplicates on my external drive...yay, so I was able to save the few that I have taken.
Gunter is home and so we are enjoying the coming of Spring...but I wanted to make sure that I at least took some pictures of what our biggest winter storm brought. Otherwise, the snow has been light enough to melt after a few days...then some sunny weather...but brrrrrrr we had some cold days. In fact, the pipes froze one day and I had to keep my cupboards open for a couple of those cold days win the thermometer dipped to below 9 degrees. Anyway, I took these pics Feburary 22nd. This is the backyard and the front yard layered with snow!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
We wish our friends and family a very Merry Xmas

When many think of Christmas, they think of snow, spending time with the family and Christ the Savior. I am very much the same!. This is the first Christmas away from my family and friends, and I realize how much I miss them. As I approached this holiday, I came to the realization that I have not told my family and friends how important they are to me. I may be reminded of the holiday through songs, the prestine winter weather, Christmas cheer and decorations, but it doesn't instill the joy I have when I am with all of you. Although I can't embrace each person personally, I want you all to know that I am thinking of each person throughout the holiday, and I want to wish you Christ's blessings this season and the coming year.
Also, with this blog, I would like to share with you a piece of Gunter's and my life, important elements that make up who we are, and those people who make up our family and friends. I apologize that we don't have every family member in our blog, but I am hoping that within time, we will be able to gather pictures of our family and friends to share with everyone. Gunter and I encourage you to share with us your pictures, your thoughts and even your humor on our site.
Most of all...we would like to embrace our friends and family in our thoughts letting everyone know that we LOVE YOU ALL. May everyone have a wonderful Christmas and a warm felt holiday!
We hope you enjoy our blog. Please check in once in awhile by phone call, email and/or just to see if I have added any more pics to this site.
Blessings this holiday and always,
Gunter and Ann
Last Pictures of Oregon...for the night!
These are my last pictures of Oregon I am going to share for the evening.
1) Gunter took me through this winding road. I have to confess that I am deathly afraid of being on roads that twist and turn. Anyway, we stopped to take this picture. You can get a perspective of how high we are.
2) The second pic is the little ittie bitty house close up.
3) The last pic is a breath taking view of the valley.
Gunter's family
Computer Geek
I had to include these pics of Gunter. As you all know, he eats, sleeps and talks gaming. They say men never grow is proof.
By the way...this is Gunter taking some leisure time between his hard work of sexing crab, counting crab and smelling crab while he's on the boats. Must be nice to be paid drawing golf courses and pretending to be Tiger Woods.
Ann's Family

Here are pics of my family:
1) Mom, Petar, Junior and Rudy. This picture was taken during the time my mother came for her trip to California.
2) Gina, Junior and Angie. For those who dont know, Gina passed away just recently and Angie, after her mother's death left the family to live with her natural father. We will miss our family, but in our heart, we love them dearly. Randy has gone to Virginia with Junior to start a new chapter in his life.
3) This is Shalan my daughter and Devin, my most recent grandson with Devin's cousin.
Well Gourley's Brittanys is Sassy's breeder! Sassy is the daughter of Maxie Girl (Maxine) first Brittany from one of Gourley's first breeding. If you have a chance, please take a look at my favorite sites. There are websites of all my favorite sites including Copley Brittanys who is Maxi Girls Daddy's Breeder, Zoro who has had multiple championships. All I can say is I LOVE my dogs.
The following are pictures of Sassy...or at least I am trying to get pictures of her that Christine Gourley asked me to take of her. I have to tell you tho, "Sassy" takes after her name. She is a ball of energy and non stop. Gunter does not have a restful day unless she takes her nap. I call these ugly pictures, that is until I get something nicer. Lol and this is a head shot of you think I can get any closer? Also, here is a shot of what we wish all the dogs would do more often...sleep. The Akita laying next to Maxine and Sassy is, Pricilla's, our neighbor's next show champion.
The other crabbing helpers!
Duck? Goose?
Scenery from the boat...and balls?
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