I think the hardest thing about a death of a mother is the devastation a child goes through when his/her mother dies. Some children do well, where others have a difficult time in the transition.
It was not till I decided to write this post that I actully looked at what the internet said about the reaction of children to death.. I think it was brave for Randy to move to Virginia to start a new family. I was grieved that Junior was going to move so far away, but I also knew that it was probably a necessity for Randy to move on with his life.
Junior seemed okay with his new life. I heard stories that he would walk up to strangers and tell them that his mom was dead...so matter of fact, and I heard stories that he wished she was there. But, Anne has done a great job of transitioning him to his new family life. I think the hard thing for him was realizing that he was now accountable for himself, and that Angela his step sister would no longer be there to protect him or cater to all his needs. Also, Junior had a new older brother who needed to also learn how to transition having Junior around as a brother, especially since he too had been an only child.
I think I saw a little favoritism with Randy and Junior, as well as Anne and Justin, but after being around for a year, I noticed the family meld together and a real cohesiveness happen with everyone. Poor Anne, she was adjusting to being pregnant and having me...an in-law invade their privacy. Well, bless the fact that Anne's mom was close by...and wow is she an awesome Grammie to the kids. Junior survived his transition and I know he will have memories of his mom Gina, but now Anne truly will take a major role in is life growing Junior up.
I talked to them not to long ago and Junior is adapting well...his reading is improving and he is a great helper with his new brother Tyler. He and Justin play together on their video games. There are those occasional fights...but thats expected between brothers.
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