Saturday, April 04, 2009

Latest Picture

Well I dont like taking pictures, but since someone actually caught me smiling, I guess I'll post this. Picture taken during an offiice party and I was the photographer. In this case, someone else decided to let me take a break. As everyone knows, I am back from Virginia and in Oregon. I cant believe I am saying this...but I am actually missing the rolling hills and springtime there.

Im in Roseburg, Oregon that is similar to Virginia, but sooo far from home! I live in this small efficiency apartment and then take the 3 hour drive home just so I can enjoy my friends the 50 inch TV, the dogs and of course Gunter. I think i am destined to always live away from home!

Pups are on the I am waiting for Maxi girl so I have a pup to train hunting...just another month...I hope.

1 comment:

samzdad said...

Hi Ann and Gunter - I need to contact Gunter regarding Sam, who he sailed with on the F/V Andronica back in April '06. I'm Sam's dad. Please email me at cstovall AT gmail DOT com (I don't write it out so as to discourage email address harveter bots, but you get the idea.)
I don't know if Gunter knows it or not but Sam died in a car wreck just a few weeks after their time together on the Andronica. I just found your pics and am sooooo blessed to see them. I just would like to see if you have any other pics of Sam and/or any stories to share about your time with him.
Thanks much and God bless you both.
PS you might like to look over my blog from the last two summers motorcycle trip I made in honor of Sam. It's linked to this comment, I think. If not, I can send you the link.. Looking forward to hearing from you.